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Not Your Grandpa’s P&C (Episode #3): Are Back To The Future Predictions Driving Today’s P&C?

August 18, 2016 | Julie Howe | Podcast, Blog Entry

Hollywood factoid: In Back To The Future III, 20 yet-to-be-launched technologies that are current-day realities lit up the silver screen. At least six of them are actively influencing how P&C insurance is conducted today. How many can you name?

For those of us riveted to the big screen (and a very young Michael J. Fox) more than 25 years ago, it doesn’t seem possible that the impossible is here—and it’s changing our industry at DeLorean speed. Just a few years ago, it would have been impossible to imagine P&C carriers considering cloud computing. Yet, in 2015, 58% of all insurance core systems purchases were intended for deployment either in a hosted environment or the cloud.*

The battle for today’s insurance customer is won at the point of engagement. Where and when that engagement takes place is dictated largely by the customers themselves—agents, consumers and policyholders alike. The carrier that knows its customers best and gives them exactly what they expect at precisely the right time wins.

Tune in to the latest episode of Not Your Grandpa’s P&C to learn what carriers and agents need to do together to continue to win and keep customers. And find out what six technologies Marty McFly and Doc Brown foresaw that are staples in today’s insurance.

*Insurers’ Core Systems Buying Trends, Strategy Meets Action (SMA), June 2016

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